In this episode of Bite the Orange, President and Co-Founder Kit Kieling, MD, discusses how using AI and machine learning automates and improves provider data workflows in healthcare.
Accurate provider information plays a significant role across the healthcare ecosystem. Unfortunately, provider directory data across healthcare is widely inaccurate.
Dr. Kieling talks more in-depth with Bite the Orange about this and what led him to find a solution using machine learning and AI for reliable, accurate provider data automation.
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Things You’ll Learn During this Podcast Episode:
- Across the healthcare ecosystem, provider directory data is about 55% accurate.
- Orderly empowers providers and payers to input data in various formats and organizes it within its system
- Orderly offers two significant solutions for accurate provider data: the roster automation suite and a robust accurate provider directory.
- Claims tend to have the most accurate data.
- Provider directory data inaccuracy affects patients trying to find a new doctor and affects payers, provider networks, healthcare entrepreneurs, and providers themselves.
- 70% of healthcare groups are still using fax machines.
- In the startup world, sometimes you may start with an original idea but end up pivoting to a better one.
You can list to Episode 9 on Apple, Spotify, or your platform of choice below:
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About Bite the Orange:
Let’s face it: Digital Health as an industry is poised for significant growth. Addressing the key challenges early on is important to ensure that the long and tedious journey of transforming from conventional to futuristic bears worthy rewards. Join Dr. Emmanunel "Manny" Fombu as he embarks on a voyage to find the future of healthcare interlaced with digital innovations and technology on Bite the Orange Podcast. Together we can make progressive, outcome-based Digital Health a reality.
About Kit Kieling:
Dr. Kieling is an accomplished healthcare executive with a strong clinical and academic medicine background. Prior to his current role as president and founder of Orderly Health, he spent several years as a consultant with McKinsey & Company. He got his Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the United States Air Force Academy in 1995. He got his MD at the Oregon Health Sciences University in 2001, and afterward, specialized in pediatrics.